“Cary Community Fights Hunger” campaign
Pictured: Cheryl Vaughn (center) presenting a check for over $15,000 to board members Melody Stanko (left) and Shari Gereau (right).
We would like to thank everyone that was involved or donated to the “Cary Community Fights Hunger” campaign that recently took place. Many individuals, groups, schools, churches, and the mayor of Cary participated.
We also would like to acknowledge and give a special heartfelt thank-you to Cheryl Vaughn, the director of St. Barnabas Christian Preschool and Sally Biere. The two have supported different causes such as the Yellow Ribbon Project in the past. After seeing all the people that rely on our pantry every month, they directed their efforts for us this year.
The project rose over of $15,000. It really helps at a time of the year when pantry donations and drives are significantly reduced. The pantry is staffed 100% by volunteers and relies solely on donations and drives to stock the shelves.
Because of the hard work and generosity shown by our two communities, we are able to continue to help those in need.
A Sincere Thank You!
The Cary-Grove Food Pantry Board